Your single source for engineered HVAC ductwork
Walsh & Albert has successfully worked with a broad variety of diverse projects, providing HVAC ductwork for some of the most visible landmark buildings constructed or remodeled in Houston over the last thirty years. For example, we successfully furnished ductwork for 28 floors of the occupied El Paso Tower, a major accomplishment requiring vision, expertise and the ability to look beyond the obvious to move the project forward.
At Walsh & Albert, we strive for excellence in everything we do. Our reputation for performance, safety and value engineering on projects both difficult and routine is unparalleled in south Texas.
"Part of Walsh & Albert's job is to assist the owner in helping his architect or engineer stay within budget. If elements needed are not in the budget, it's often up to us to convince the design team to do it differently. If we can get on board early, we can get the project started earlier, construction time is shortened, and we can save the owner real money."

Walsh & Albert has more than thirty years of experience working on specialized facilities such as hospitals, office buildings and high-end hotels, and the extensive drawings they require.
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Our extremely efficient manufacturing floor and purchasing power allows us to supply ductwork for large, time-sensitive projects and guarantee that we can meet your expected delivery date.
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For thirty years, Walsh & Albert has fabricated HVAC ductwork for many of the premier office buildings, hospitals, hotels, and labs in the South Texas region.
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No matter what kind of project you are working on, chances are Walsh & Albert has done something similar in the recent past. Take advantage of our years of experience and the proven solutions.
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